User talk:Martin

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Revision as of 15:42, 8 June 2013 by Martin (Talk | contribs)

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Here's my personal list of instructions for setting up a new RaspberryPi on my network.

  1. burn vanilla image to disk
    dd bs=4M if=~/Downloads/2013-05-25-wheezy-raspbian.img of=/dev/sdc
  2. mount the boot partition, edit config.txt, enable HDMItoVGA cable HDMItoVGASetup
  3. plug into Pi, added monitor and keyboard to pi
  4. do first boot setup, expand flash, enable camera, <advanced> enable SSH change host name
  5. reboot
  6. ssh into the Pi
    1. disable screen blanking / timeout Disable_Screen_Blanking
    2. edit /etc/hosts to manually added other network addresses
    3. install LDAP client and setup LDAP_Client_Setup
    4. test LDAP authentication
    5. add LDAP user to sudo
    6. install autofs Accessing_Network_Shares
    7. automount LDAP shares Accessing_Network_Shares#Autofs_for_LDAP
  7. give at least one LDAP user sudo privs AddingUsers:RPi#Raspian
  8. remove 'pi' user AddingUsers:RPi#Consider_removing_Pi_altogether
  9. install autoback script Auto_Update_Backup
  10. test camera Camera_Module_Setup
  11. install codec keys (can have more than on keys so file)