
From SingletonMillerWiki
Revision as of 14:35, 29 June 2012 by Peejaywk (Talk | contribs) (Wish List)

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Project to interface a Raspberry Pi with a Big Trak unit.


  • How do we power this?
    • Possible rechargable batteries
    • Solar Cell for daylight operation or to recharge / top-up battery
  • How to interface the RPi to the motor controller and sensor board

Wish List

  • Include the current control functionality that comes with a Big Trak
  • Solar Powered / Battery recharge
  • WiFi - Can SSH in to the RPi to issue new commands etc.
  • Camera
  • Object detection / avoidance


  1. Big Trak Reverse Engineered
  2. Solar Panel Charging
  3. PCB manufacture
  4. Cheap BigTraks Here?
  5. Battery Chargers
  6. Batteries
  7. 11000mAH battery